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   SL Predictor
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SL-Predictor - Software for spectroscopic routine analysis in laboratory and production

Software package for recording spectra and simultaneously predicting unknown sample properties
  • Timesaving and efficient calculation of unknown sample properties since our getSpec spectrometers are directly controlled by this software and calculations of these parameters are automatically made afterwards using chemometric models.
  • Creation and implementation of chemometric models by SL Calibration Workshop without difficulties. Both programs optimally complement each other as they access the same data base. Nevertheless, using these programs as single version is also possible (cost savings, operational safety).
  • Measuring results can be displayed and/or output via display, printer or ASCII files.

Figure 1: SL Predictor main screen - display of spectra, parameter calculation
indicating outliers and uncertainties

Operational safety:
  • user administration on two levels (administrator and user)
  • multilingual user guide (German or English)

One of SL Predictor’s advantages is its ease of operation:
  • Optional inputs of reference values as soon as spectra are recorded avoid malfunctions due to mistakes at a later data import.
  • Direct verification of spectra by spectra recordings themselves or by qualitative and/or quantitative chemometric analysis with or without storage in the SL data base.
  • Simple and secured handling due to the possibility of choosing different displays of relevant measuring results as well as pre-setups of measuring parameters (e.g. averaging of repeated measurements).

Figure 2: Setup of device configurations

Measuring parameters and spectrometer setups can be directly chosen in the Predictor software. There is no use of switching between operating and analysis software which is time-consuming and may result in failures.

Integrated monitoring of hardware and measuring procedures by:
  • Monitoring the detector temperature of cooled getSpec spectrometers.
  • Automatic setup of integration time.
  • Control of detector’s overloading by warning messages.
  • Automatic record of dark and reference spectra.

Optionally available – SL utilities

What do I need SL utilities for?
  • viewing project data in a SL data base project
  • viewing SPC-Header information
  • editing wavelength ranges
  • comfortable import of spectra data as e.g. SPC and ISI files of already existing spectra data bases respectively data files
  • converting spectra data
  • data input via miniaturized keyboard used for input assistance of touch screen

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